Original Screenplays, Adaptations, Script Doctor, Development, Editing, Script Analysis, Coverage...

Here is the easy part... the fees.
Original Feature Screenplay
So want to hire a screenwriter? You've written a novel or have a clear outline of plot events and characters that make a great movie! Great job. We can take that amazing story and turn it into a screenplay ready to produce. Our time frame is about 4-6 weeks. Payments can be spread out to suit your budget, weekly or bi-weekly.
Feature Screenplay $ 2500
What you get... a 90-100 page polished screenplay, written to Hollywood standard. It also includes a marketing logline and one page pitch sheet.
Short Film (2-25 pages) $12 per page
Half Hour TV Pilot (~25 - 30 page) $700
One Hour TV Pilot (~60 page) $900
What you get... a 35 or 60 page polished Pilot/Short, written to Hollywood standard. It also includes a marketing logline and one page pitch sheet.
Development - Feature Film
If you only have an idea... that's OK too. We can work with you and develop that idea into a full-fledge professional screenplay. It's a little more work of course. Our time frame is about 6-8 weeks. (Priority / Rush fees apply if you need it sooner)
Feature Film Development + Script $3,500
What you get... a 90-100 page polished screenplay, written to Hollywood standard. It also includes a marketing logline and one page pitch sheet.
Maybe you've already written a screenplay but need a little bit of guidance on plot, structure, character development or dialogue... Our coverage service is the answer.
Feature length (80-125 pages) $65
Includes 3 pages of notes of what works, what needs work and specific solutions to problems.
Short Films / TV Pilots (up to 80 pages) $45
Includes 2-3 pages of notes of what works, what needs work and specific solutions to problems.
Affordable Screenwriting Services and Solutions!
We provide transparent flat
rate fees, nothing hidden,
no surprises.
Editing Services
So maybe spelling is not your forte, or English not your best subject! Not to worry, our script editors can proof and edit your screenplay in record time.
Strictly proofing spelling & grammar $2/page
If you need dialogue re-written or the descriptions ramped up to really draw the reader in, then you may want our re-write services.
Dialogue, proofing & revamps $4/page
Maybe your screenplay has good bones, but needs a page one re-write. The story is solid, but the plot has holes, the characters are flat and you just don't have the time to re-work it. Our re-write service will take your screenplay, solidify the structure and plot, make the characters come to life and polish it until it shines!
Page one re-write $8/page
Additional Services
If you need an add-on service not listed below, we can give you a custom quote...just ask. These prices are based on your content and clear ideas. (outlines are ok)
Feature Treatment (10-15 pages) $ 250
TV Series Mini Bible (~8 pages) $ 250
Summary /Synopsis $ 125
Character Breakdown $ 125
One Sheet (Pitch) $ 45
Awesome Logline $ 25
Full Pitch Deck $ 350
TV Show Development Starts at $500
** I specialize in novel adaptations, compelling treatments and tv bibles, and have been successful with options, buy outs and produced projects. **
YOU always keep the copyright toYOUR material!
* Disclaimer: We do not market or pitch your ideas and utilizing our services does not guarantee in any way that your screenplay will be optioned, sold or produced. If you have any questions please let us know.